Speech! is a final degree thesis in Graphic Design. It's an overview of the word, the importance it has assumed and takes in various fields, the role it plays in the world of visual communication. It's an analysis of the relationship between written and spoken word, between text and image, and the short-circuit that flows from this combination in the visual language. Speech! wants to be a book, a source of inspiration, a way of entertainment, a moment of leisure, game, reflection, fun... It's a way of approaching graphics with an dispassionate attitude, sarcastic and irreverent. It's a way of observing, talking, listening, tasting, chewing, assimilate everything around us... Linger to pure aesthetic, or analyze and study what lies behind the words, see the ambivalence, the non-uniqueness of meaning, double meaning and ambiguity. The chasm that often exists between what is shown and what is concealed. Stay hungry! Stay foolish!